Boeing and leaks don’t mix apparently
Boeing and leaks don’t mix apparently
It’s vital that people are aware of the issues and risks they are often blind to but we must be weary of how often these things can be used against us.
While I agree that woman and other vulnerable populations have it far harder to have peace and safety from unsavory types I should point out that I don’t think this comic is intentionally trying to play into fear mongering just that it’s close and that people need to recognize the signs of sensationalist media trying to exploit fear and insecurities.
I’m a little offended at your inclusion of “Threatening men” I hope you mean that it’s men deliberately threatening women as they hit on them not something so shallow as to say that you would include a scary looking man hitting on a woman as sexual assault. I feel that goes too far and is extremely judgemental of appearances sometimes beyond a persons ability to control them.
As a man this sort of thing is terrible. Public outings shouldn’t be overshadowed by fear of attacks of any kind.
That said this comic is extremely close to fear mongering and it definitely generalizes the male population.
Be smart people. But don’t think your negative experiences rule the world.
Yeah sadly as a gamer I HAVE to put up with Windows. But Next time I build a machine I’m definitely dedicating a whole drive to a linux OS because fuck Windows and their petty marketing shit.
Sir, this is a Lemmy.
Always loved that the second I was doing better than they were or just got to a further point than them they’d rip the controller away and say something like “I got it I got it, stop hogging the game!” Then would cry and scream if I beat it for them because inevitably 12 minutes later they’d ask for help again and no amount of showing them would help them figure it out.
Kids are fuckin stupid.
I think OP is on mushrooms.