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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • Funny thing I’ve been driving for 30+ years, and have never had a formal driving test:

    • Permit at 15: No tests, only restriction was to have a licensed passenger in-vehicle

    • License at 16: Had driver’s ed in school, state’s driving test waved, and license transferred to other states without any new driving test

    • Motorcycle license: Took a safety course while in the military, state added endorsement without any test, which also transferred out-of-state

    • Heavy vehicles: Trained on military 5-ton/deuce+0.5/Frontloaders/HMMWVs - all kinds of heavy equipment - no formal tests, only unit sign-off (even on civilian roads)

    • The kicker: I now live in a US state where a driver license is good with no re-testing till age 64

    Gonna suck when I actually do have to take a test. Hopefully there will be sane infra to go completely driverless by the time I get that old.

  • a single strawman: these tools do not exist and no developer in the world cares about the topic

    I haven’t seen anyone make the argument that denies these things exist - it’s that the existence of these tools are even necessary to safeguard the language in the first place is the argument. And then on top of that, you’ll additionally need a shop that is even allowed the time to properly utilize these tools and implement their usage as standard practice within the company culture.

    That there are alternatives which remove (significantly more) footguns is the overall point. Work in one of these other languages so e.g. dumb-ass PMs don’t even have the option of pilfering the time it takes to code safely, as it would already be baked in.

  • Yeah some kind of fucky configuration.

    The root is:


    Which, if the ubuntu link is clicked, then drops you into the the real archive root… but the link is “appended” to the new path, but the same link is reproduced in the “new” folder. Click it again, and another segment added to your current path even though you’re in the same root archive, ad nauseam.

    I couldn’t find this misconfiguration on stackoverflow, which leads me to believe someone at ubuntu is doing something especially special here.

  • I    don’t    use    an    ide,    but    I    wrote    a    script    that    replaces    any    space    I    type    with    four.

    I    haven’t    worked    out    all    the    use    cases    yet,    though.

  • Some thoughts:

    Ubuntu, most likely

    I’d encourage you to take a look at Linux Mint, it alleviates some of the Ubuntu fuckiness. And if you want to join the “I use arch btw” crowd, maybe checkout EndeavourOS if you’re feeling more brave than just Ubuntu variants (which is built on arch, but makes barrier to entry a little easier).

    i9s are the latest hotness but don’t think the price is worth it

    Take a look at last generation to soften the blow to your wallet. E.g., instead of looking at a 14900k, look at 13 or even 12 series. In fact, this is a useful strategy all around if you’re being price conscious: go one gen older.

    GPU that can support some sort of ML/AI with DisplayPort

    Probably going to want to go with a discrete card, rather than just integrated. Other major consideration is going to be nvidia vs AMD, for which you’ll need to decide if CUDA should be part of your calculus or not. I’ll defer to any data science engineers that might wander through this post.

    The rest of your reqs pretty much come as regular stock options when building a pc these days. Though another nicety for my latest builds, is multi-gig nics (though 2.5Gb was my ceiling, since you’ll also need the network gear to utilize it). Going multi-gig is nice for pushing around a fuckton of data between machines on my lan (including a NAS).

    Very last thing that I’ve found helpful in my last 3 builds spanning 15 years: I use newegg for its reviews of items, specifically so I can search for the term “linux” in any given product’s reviews. Often times I can glean quick insight on how friendly (or not) hardware has been for other’s linux builds.

    And I lied, I just remembered about another linux hardware resource: https://linux-hardware.org/?view=search

    You can see other people that have built with given hardware. Just remember to do a scan too once your build is up to pay it forward.

    Good luck, and remember to have fun!