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Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Wtf are you talking about? Are you that hard up for an argument? Lemmy.ml is thataway. Anyway I’m Jewish and have been my whole life so the three months of Christmas in America made me feel extremely isolated and excluded as a kid, but I actually got to participate in Halloween. You can try and invalidate the experience of millions of non-christian non-white Americans but that doesn’t make you quirky and unique, either. No one is thinking “wow this dude is so smart!” for pointing out the capitalist undertone that’s shared by literally every holiday in western society. Now do kindly fuck off.

  • It takes years to plan a presidential run and the incumbent has a huge advantage. It’s infeasible to change the candidate now and would 100% split an already very polarized party. It’s a fake media controversy and the media companies are the ones causing people to feel that way by editing footage to make Biden look bad, attacking Biden’s stutter or slip up instead of Trump’s lies and gaslighting. The media is controlled by the rich and complicit in treason, but the rich never get their dues and the right is never held accountable.

  • I think the real question is what is the value we are getting out of the resources used? Do we need AI forced into every platform? Personally, I don’t think so. But just to be sure I asked Chat GPT and here is its answer:

    “Rather than integrating Al into every possible application, a more measured approach might be beneficial. Assessing the actual need and impact of Al in specific use cases can help avoid unnecessary energy consumption. Al should be implemented where it provides significant benefits and improvements, rather than as a default addition to every platform.”

    So even the AI itself knows it is used frivolously.