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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2024


  • As others have pointed out, the rules of competition don’t apply since there’s exclusive content at play.

    As a metaphor, It’s not like one restaurant serving a popular type of food vs multiple restaurants doing so. It’s having one Italian, one Thai, one Chinese and one American restaurant being the only ones in 100 miles. Look! There’s competition, 4 restaurants! Unless you only want some pad Thai.

    So now instead of fixing cables issue of $60-100/month, they made it more complicated by paying $60-100/month to 3-5 different companies instead of one.

    As a real life example. If you have kids, or are a big Star wars/marvel fan, 9/10 you need Disney+. It may as well be a Monopoly now so they can raise their prices as much as they want. Parents and nerds will pay through the nose for it.

    Source: am a parent and a nerd (but I pirate all my stuff anyway)

  • It’s not great but I honestly like it. For a few reasons

    1. It forces me out of the house to get my full 10k steps in. Which I never get when I wfh due to my ADHD and putting it off.

    2. I always feel if my coworkers are online I’m hesitant to ping them because they may be busy and I don’t wanna bother them. If in the office, I can see if they’re not that busy and have been able to say hi.

    3. I have a toddler and when she’s not in daycare she, or my partner, likes to come in and break my flow

    We’re 3 days a week in which is good and bad since I def am able to see most coworkers at least one day a week and also have two days I can wfh and either leave early or have an easy morning, but is weird due to when people come in.