• 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • True. Half Life 1 was awful in German. All the marines were robots. And when you shot a friendly human character they sat down on the ground shaking their head.

    Same thing was done in Counter Strike when it went commercial, making it really hard to know whether someone is crouching or dead out of the game.

    Patches to put the blood back into games were immensely popular. You’d often find them on the same sites you’d find cracks on.

    And of course the effect all the censorship had was that having the latest and greatest most brutal game was more important than having a fun game. You were the king of the schoolyard if you could give the other kids Blood.

  • After I had gotten the hang of Hellblade’s combat on the adaptive difficulty I turned it to easy by the end because killing enemies had become just a slog. Funnily enough it coincided with her getting the new ultimate sword and made the game feel much more epic.

    BTW, Baldur’s Gate 3 does difficulty very well. Enemies get better abilities and use the good ones more frequently.

  • That is absolutely not a slow laptop. If it takes a long time to boot there must be something wrong. I have a similar system that takes about ten seconds to boot.

    Anyways, like others said, LVM with LUKS is the simplest. It uses your hardware to quickly decrypt the drive on boot. While it is running access to your data is protected by your login manager or lock screen.