how did you make such a nice cicrle under the space elevator? the stair leading up to it also looks cool
how did you make such a nice cicrle under the space elevator? the stair leading up to it also looks cool
can’t really tell much without knowing this package, but ./ is not what you’re looking for. try just “make” or “make clean”, as this is standard syntax for Makefiles. if you are wondering what happens, make looks for a file called “Makefile” in the current directory and executes whatever is inside. in your case it will most likely compile the .c file into an executable
becoming more like instagram and co. by the day… they take the one thing that makes them unique and they toss it…
pulse audio and pipewire are mutually exclusive, but pipewire has a pluse module so all your programs can still work even if they dont support pipewire
pipewire will do the trick, might be slightly overkill tho
This gives the term “The world runs on garbage” a whole new meaning
Pffft, you’re one of those people who believe Columbus was real? Wake up sheeple, he was an invention by Big Explore to sell more maps!
They have done this before, only instead of using a big weight, they use water. Lookup “Dinorwig Power Station” for a good example.
Something similar is happening to me on Manjaro. Semms the newest pipewire update made it so it doesn’t auto-route devices to the main sound output anymore…
And here I thought normal circles were complicated…