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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The US has a problem of representation. Specifically and especially since the Citizens United decision, corporate interests can easily flow money towards politicians to make them do just about anything they want. This exacerbated an existing problem with the corporate tax rate and has now brought it into laughably low territory.

    That’s all an oversimplification of course, but it’s not that Americans haven’t “figured it out”. It is far more complicated than that.

  • At one time it would have sounded like a conspiracy theory, but you don’t get here without a massive disinformation campaign.

    Trump’s supporters have been so programmed to accept everything he says at face value or, in some cases, just to ignore what he actually said in favor of the party’s updated spin. In all cases, they believe it is impossible that he could do any wrong, so any semblance of incongruity or poor leadership or any negative aspect of Trump at all must be due to lies of his opponents – even if that means the entire system would have to be rigged against him to an extremely unlikely degree.

    The last time the world saw these tactics used to such an extreme extent and with such success required a widespread campaign of so-called “denazification” after a very prolonged war.

  • Maybe you have just ended up with a lemon CPU. Though for random crashes like that, I’d almost always look to RAM first.

    I did have some stability issues early on when trying to enable Expo. Never quite got that working right so it is currently disabled. I keep my 7600x in Eco mode since it is air cooled and the performance difference is not that great anyway, so I haven’t noticed any major differences with Expo off.

    The Expo issues were also with a very early MSI BIOS. I haven’t tried it again after upgrading, but I probably should.

  • That’s exactly the problem with prescriptive pronunciations – they tend to break down depending on how narrow the transcription, which means they’re arbitrary anyway.

    If it is truly based on the play, then it would have to be /go.'do/, like the French.

    /'go.do/ is indeed an anglicized pronunciation.

    Source: am a professional linguist.

    Edit: and we should not forget: all human language is ultimately arbitrary in terms of form, modulo limits of human articulation. This is often referred to as Saussure’s Principle of Arbitrariness. Which is to say: no one should get bent out of shape about how people pronounce things. If the information transfer was successful, nothing else really matters from a linguistic standpoint.