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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2020

  • US has convinced itself and many of the most powerful nations (ie the West) that it is China that is trying to “take over other nations” or otherwise control them by “expanding their empire.” Even though they are not, and are anti-imperialist. Or how places like Cuba aren’t allowed to be traded with due to their “oppressive governments.” But the US is still somehow the “good guys” and should just be allowed to patrol the whole world by land, air, sea, and space. That it is allowed to strike and occupy other nations without any approval by said nations. Oh and it is also somehow fair or good that even if all other nations in the UN vote one way that the US can stop a democratic vote by voting the other way.

    Just love how this is what US lead democracy for the world works. /s

  • Two things that IDF and US law enforcement share is both being scared 24/7, and constantly going out of their way to do everything possible to paint civilians as active enemy combatants/terrorists. Yet they always like to say shit like “if you haven’t done anything wrong, then you have nothing to fear” to us. Also love to do everything to give off the air of being such “badasses protecting the masses”. Fuck all of them, and they will certainly have much to fear once the masses start to actually come for them. Not very leftist of me to say, but if they are finally taken I can only hope that they are not given fast or painless ends. As they had their chance to stand with the masses and chose to be lapdogs for zionists/fascists/the oppressors of the working classes. Reactionaries are pussies and take out their rage on everyone they feel is weaker than they are.

  • I have also seen one or more comments on another post about this situation (I think on Hexbear) saying it might have been one of the Iron Dome missiles. That the supposed failed rocket from Hamas failed to launch correctly, but was maybe high enough to still have caused a lock-on by the ID. Though I don’t know enough about how the dome works to really say how likely it would happen. As it could be an opportunistic moment for Israel to launch a few non-ID attack missiles. While the media would be more likely to be streaming the air-explosions from the intercept missiles.

  • Seems more like a lesson learned from all the people the US placed in Gitmo without even a secret trial. And at least China had the argument that they literally did have many spread out terrorist attacks from more radical believers in the Uyghur communities inside China. I think that both the US and China handled shit bad as fuck. But until the US fully shuts down Gitmo and returns it to Cuba, and ends all of our black sites. Then it isn’t exactly something that the US has any real right to talk any shit about just because it is China. We are beyond the level of tyrannical, we are just better at controlling the narrative and have somehow been allowed to just dictate what other nations are “good” and “evil”.

    China is doing more to un-fuck their bad choices, as they have made sure that folks that shouldn’t have been mixed in were able to get jobs and technical/vocational training/school. The US never put any tiny amount of even PR level shit for helping Muslims we grabbed up and tortured while being held without any level of legal protections. There are some folks that might just be kept forever at this point as they are afraid that those people might become actual terrorists after being treated so badly while innocent.

    Does that mean China gets a pass? No. But the US has done far more in the past 40 years to create the very extremists and terrorists that we keep seeing pop-up. We have done more to create suffering on a global scale since the end of the British Empire. We just hide it better and our gaslighting is top notch from media to trade. Just because we have “freedom of speech” doesn’t mean we aren’t tyrannical.