No probs!
I don’t know that we’ll ever get to a 1.0 status, because feature development hasn’t slowed down, and doesn’t seem to be anytime soon. We’d need like 3 more devs to even not get behind.
Not sure, if ppl find other bugs we may need to do more 0.19 releases. 0.20 will have a lot of breaking changes.
You merge from them. If you’re working on a PR, they can always squash merge your commits if you have a lot of them. No history rewriting required.
Same, really love the idea of backing history with a proper database, and the immutability. git rebasing was a mistake.
Yay, glad someone uses it.
lemmy-ui’s default is to use the browser light/dark-mode setting. So you are likely looking at servers that have a custom theme without light/dark modes, or some hacked-on css.
Leptos for front end, actix or axum for back end.
Agree with most of the comments about jackson being the worst, but I’m surprised no one’s mentioned Eisenhower and Hoover, who would easily go in the top ten.
Your word against theirs, and they can easily say they saw something suspicious. That’s how it works with every stop and search.
Nice, that looks legit.
At least in most US cities, it’s also illegal to sleep in your car. You’re pry fine in the netherlands.
I have a PR out for this now. Keep in mind that we’re usually too busy developing to keep up with a lot of these posts, so its always better to create an issue for feature requests / bugs.
You can create an issue for this on the joinlemmy-site repo.
The object man appears behind you while you’re coding and inserts a null reference that takes you a day to find.
I have some issues I’m prioritizing, but you can either look at our github, or the milestones as to the upcoming features.