There doing what now?
There doing what now?
This might help.
You could write a simple bash script to get memory and compare it to your desired memory usage then clear memory when desired usage has been exceeded. Then set your script as a cronjob.
Or you can just setup a cronjob to clear memory at a set interval in a cronjob described in the link.
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I always thought Soul Reaver played so much better on the Dreamcast then it did on the PlayStation. Great game.
Strangely Gex played better on the 3DO than on the PlayStation as well.
A little 90’s comedy bit your comment made me think of.
I’m going to wait for a couple days to see if anyone else has any ideas and use the time to do some more investigating. If all else fails I’ll just have to hope I get an update that doesn’t require an important intervention.
Thanks again, your advice is much appreciated!
pacman -Syu --debug >& ~/Desktop/pacdebug.txt
Looks like that will almost work, I need to answer :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
and possibly other questions. Do you think that I should use the --noconfirm
Bypass any and all “Are you sure?” messages. It’s not a good idea to do this unless you want to run pacman from a script.
There is also they have a bunch of scripts to do just about everything you want to increase windows privacy. They have a GUI that will help you customize the scripts and you can roll back if you want.
If you like punk, Leftover Crack has a bunch.
Everything from the chanel -> History Time. Pete Kelly is an awesome story teller and works really hard on making in depth historical documentaries, some three hours long.
Cowsay, figlet, telnet, misfortune, cava, xscreensaver are a few that come to mind.
Testdisk, clamxTK, rkhunter or chkrootkit, mobile verification toolkit, lshw, time shift maybe deja-dup.
I think your idea is a good one. Like a linux Swiss Army knife. You can have lots of tools that you don’t need all the time but might be handy in a pinch. Especially if you don’t have internet.
Some people need external validation. Personally I don’t care about votes. However I do give upvotes very often hoping to increase participation. I often upvote comments I disagree with when their in the negative as long as they aren’t being a dick. I think differences of opinion are healthy. It takes no time to read an opinion I don’t agree with and maybe upvote it when they are riding the down vote bandwagon. I like diversity and think our differences could be more valued. I don’t like the whole reddit style popularity contest down vote thing some think social media has to be.
I upvote posts that I have no interest in as well. I want people to feel welcome and create content. I’m far more of a lurker than a creator so it’s in my interest to have others creating content feeling happy about doing so even if I’m not their target audience.
I really don’t hit the down vote button much, if I really don’t like what they have to say I just scroll on. I want Lemmy to be a more welcoming place then reddit. So I try to make it so.
I have no issue blocking obvious troll accounts though.
Generally there is the rule of three’s. Three weeks without food. Three days without water. Three minutes without air. Every one is different and circumstances under any of these conditions may very but it’s a good rough timeline.
Beer has caloric value but I’m unsure how long that would keep you going.
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Open the pod bay doors please Hal.
Check out testdisk file recovery.
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George Carlin, live at the Paramount 1992 a special for HBO if I remember correctly.
KDE has it built in to default key binding of
Ctrl + Meta + Esc
helpful when in Wayland as xkill only works on X and xwayland apps.