You should look up Fishman Fluence pickups, they’ve been all the rage in metal circles for a few years and they are in fact made by stacking PCB-like layers rather than in the traditional way.
You should look up Fishman Fluence pickups, they’ve been all the rage in metal circles for a few years and they are in fact made by stacking PCB-like layers rather than in the traditional way.
Even going as far as calling her husband an asshole (might be true, I’m not married to the dude).
You misunderstood the text, the sentence is :
If only I got a penny for every time someone said: you don’t look like a computer scientist, I could be Mackenzie Scott without having to marry an asshole.
She’s calling Jeff Bezos an asshole, not her own husband.
Bash has an option for that you can put in your .bashrc
bind "set completion-ignore-case on"
This isn’t completely fair, Bethesda addressed the issue in universe and there are multiple authors arguing about this and why that is. It plays very well with the rest of the lore which is all about conflicting accounts and variety of interpretation.
If I recall correctly the three in-universe theories are (1) it’s an error and there never was a jungle (2) there was a jungle but Talos CHIMed it away (3) there was a jungle when the high elves (Ayleids) lived there, but when the humans took over the white-gold tower changed the landscape to suit them.
Unfortunately, /r/teslore has no fediverse equivalent that I know of so I wouldn’t know where to have this kind of discussion.
War isn’t inevitable. Back in the cold war it was averted multiple times, and the USSR had a much more closed economy than China’s. China going to war with NATO would lose them all their largest trading partners.
Would you have resources or advice about cooking properly on a stainless steel pan ?
Very possibly generative AI will alleviate this, although it has yet to produce convincing 3d models or animations.