Because you only get mo problems after you get mo than you need.
Not sure what it is with inflation, but a while ago the number was like 75k?
Money = happiness until you reach whatever threshold that’s at today, and after that mo money doesn’t get you mo happiness, just mo problems.
A big tip that helps is most people aren’t wired to hoard resources, so when we accumulate a lot our brains want to trade that for a dopamine hit which can lead to reckless spending.
But our brains are kind of stupid, and easy to trick.
Drop $100 on a fun thing, or go online and make an extra mortgage payment, pay a credit card, or even just deposit it into a savings account.
Our brain just sees that resources went down, a good thing happened, and dumps some dopamine.
I only read the original study years ago and never saw any followups.
But as far as our brains are concerned, the same thing just happened, so it gives the same dopamine.