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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • I had to look this up, didn’t know about Bowie. He had underage groupies, at least as young as 15 (Lori Mattix). Apparently she remembers that time fondly, but today we would rightly call it coercion and pedophilia. She was treated kindly, probably given all the drugs she “wanted”, but that’s still a child.

    There’s a counter argument about how later in life, he refused a kissing scene between him and Jennifer Connelly during Labyrinthe, and that shows he understands the age gap is wrong.

    I don’t regularly listen to David Bowie. I can sometimes separate the art from artist, but I’m now gonna have trouble knowing he was having sex with (raping) a 15 year old girl.

  • You are 100% correct.

    I think OP agrees with you too, but the question is more around the “why”. Once, we were also like animals, and didn’t have clothing. To the animal brain, things like large breasts or wide hips means better reproduction. Did we start to cover up because it was cold and we got sick? It makes more sense to me that we started for practical reasons, and the hyper-sexualization came later, probably with religion.

    Today, women are sexualized to an insane degree, and expanded to any number of inane body parts and not just breasts.

    I think OPs question could also be phrased as “why did sex become so taboo?” And we might get a broader picture.

  • The irony is palpable.

    What if corporations didn’t count as people? If they didn’t worship the almighty dollar and put profits over people? Could capitalism work?

    No idea, probably not, but I’m not an economist. And humans are notoriously bad at screwing up basically every form of government.

    Also, that wasn’t my viewpoint, but you gotta admit that a lot of things in life would be better if human nature were completely (positively) different. Our lizard brains are wired for self preservation.

  • 110% agree.

    I could say “you know, I guess I can kinda see why people thought free market capitalism would work”

    And someone will come out of the woodwork like “I can’t believe you think billionaires profiting off exploitation is actually a good idea”

    First of all, no? Lol I’m saying I understand why people might think it would work, but for some reason forget that we as a people are generally selfish. Human nature and corruption and all that, people in power hoard power.