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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • 8 BEEELLION USD per YEAR for a Private Business Owner … PLEASE SIGN ME UP ! :-D

    Are you seriously thinking that SpaceX can generate 8 BILLION USD revenue ???

    StarLink probably brings in about 30 to 50 USD million per year … thats not taking into account the cost of StarLink satellite launches … so that is probably break-even or a small loss-leader. ( there are maybe about 80 million StarLink customers ? paying 50 USD per month … )

    Please give me even 1 MILLION USD ! :-D Let alone 8 ! EIGHT ! VIII !!! BEEELLLION DOLLARS !!!

  • Evangelists exist in all communities. I was simply stating that people whose agenda to convert you to Linux may not always have other peoples best interests at heart. Clearly I don’t have that agenda. I would prefer people made their own decisions and choices based on their own needs. Not forced into an untenable situation.

    I like how upvote/downvote does not matter on Lemmy.

    Its about free speech as in beer. And not censorship. We can have our opinions without fear of being the unpopular opinion.

  • Farting does expel some amount of body heat.

    Im sure long-distance runners might relieve themselves without stopping, as it cools them down while also a release and embarrassment which might spur their brain into flight response.

    I doubt if the heat loss is significant but when actively working out or doing intense work the mind might get tricked into thinking that it benefitted.

    Anecdotally when running a fever it does feel better emptying out. So not sure if physiological or psychological effect.