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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023

  • Oh man somebody better tell Hamas that after 70 years of collectively turning the other cheek the global community is finally going to give a shit about Palestine. All they have to do is just turn over the hostages with no assurance whatsoever that the bombing campaign or larger apartheid is going to end.

    Of course they’re just idiots who don’t understand politics though so what do they know. Let’s all laugh at them as their homes and families and everything they know is destroyed by a reactionary, hostile force that has been looking for excuses to annihilate their entire ancestry, basically since its founding, for existing as Arabs on land that some asshole in England said belongs to Jews as a treat for surviving the holocaust rather than make the serious reforms to western society that would be required to ensure that Jewish people wouldn’t need the same type of ethnostate that Hitler was going for just to have self-determination and avoid persecution.

  • I wish I had that cat. Mine is of the variety that one day (I think she got a UTI and that created an association between the box and pain) decided that she will not pee in a box where she can see poo and will instead elect to pee next to the box. Sometimes even if it’s clean she won’t use it.

    I finally had to invest in reusable pee pads for her after going through a pack of 50 disposables with no consistent correction in behavior. I also got a sifting wood pellet box for easier maintenance and a silica crystal box in another room for good measure. And line the inappropriate areas she wants to pee on with tin foil so she gets the message that it’s not a good place to do that. And a big ol gallon of anti icky poo for whatever falls through the cracks.

    She’s getting better since I tightened up the tin foil boundary though!

  • I’d argue they need to fuck up less than the alternative means of transport that we could be transitioning to if we weren’t so dead-set on being car dependent. So dead-set, in fact, that we are allowing ourselves to be made complacent; by billion-dollar companies that peddle entirely new technology to excuse the death and destruction to our environment and social fabric that they’ve wrought upon us and continue to perpetuate; instead of us demanding new iterations of the old, safer, more affordable, more efficient, but unfortunately less profitable tech that our country sold out to those same monied interests for them to dismantle.

  • Walmart did this with their wifi recently, you have to enter an email to get access. Of course it makes sense that mobile data doesn’t really work inside a giant steel warehouse, but I can’t seem to recall not having any mobile data signal at all until my last walmart visit.

    I used to keep to myself and look up the location of the item I was looking for online. If they want me to bother a floor person for it though, doing that is highly preferable to giving walmart my email to sell along with any information they can extrapolate from my usage of their network.