Unless it’s formulated to sublimate into a gas I suppose.
Unless it’s formulated to sublimate into a gas I suppose.
Other than one scripted one it makes you do as a tutorial when they become unlocked they’re optional, can keep it in your back pocket at 100% charge until you feel like manually hitting the trigger button
Huh, didn’t know they were British figures. Learn something new every day I suppose
My preload is currently sitting at 117GB according to Windows’s move programs list
I still do, though nearly zero of that is due to virus stuff. I’d say for me it’s 95% I’m too lazy to retrain myself to keeping a neutral expression, 4% because hiding my ugly mug seems polite, and 1% sickness reduction ( combination of allergies, flu, covid. Etc)
Apparently the French onomatopoeia for duck sound is “coin coin”
Might be a US thing? Coincidentally, rolled after leaving the first comment and got a 4, which happens to be orange
Apparently 12 voices for Google last time I counted. I’ll sometimes roll a d12 (either grab a physical one or just ask the assistant to do it) and change it if I’m feeling bored
“We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke”
Also just straight up a minority in general (from a US perspective), though only by a very slight margin. US population is ~51.5/48.5 in favor of women. Though on a worldwide scale men are instead a slight majority and women a slight minority.