This is the Charles, yeah? I paused on the photo and, although I’ve not been at this exact spot, got strong “Charles” vibes.
This is the Charles, yeah? I paused on the photo and, although I’ve not been at this exact spot, got strong “Charles” vibes.
We need to signal boost this, if true, because that is an egregious waste of someone’s time and a theft of their due compensation.
Because it sounds like they’d be ditching everything previous fans love about the universe and lore to hit a bunch of buzzwords. There is insane shit from older games that I’m sure will never see the light of day (unless a modder gets inspired) because Bethesda wants to sanitize and mass-marketize the world.
Will Elsweyr explore at all the fact there are effectively different species of Khajiit tied to under what combination of the phases of the dual moons the baby is born? Or will Bethesda just throw some big, gruff, talking tigers and some small, funny, talking house cats around and call it a day after putting in exactly one (1) version of each of those that inverts that mold?
Will the Mane be like this: ? Or will he just be a Khajiit in LaCroix-level flavorings of Middle-Eastern adjacent clothing?
Yeah, I’m not mad that they chomped Humankind’s flavor. I see it as an admission that the game had good ideas (if less-than-stellar execution). I’ve just seem rando comments trying to tamp down on claims that there are similarities like their stock portfolio is riding on it.
I’m sure it’s management’s fault but they should be shouting out fellow devs in their breakdowns: “oh, we saw Humankind and thought it’s mechanic was fascinating. But we wanted to adapt it closer to our style and refine some pain points we noticed in our execution.”
I’m going to become a champion for the lesser curses, like ‘wankclown’.
Edit: getting replied to by a load of scumwits. disgraceful behaviour
I have to congratulate them on making an actual masterpiece of a comic. Extraordinary
“Spouse and later husband”? huh?
I’m doing a mini, personal version called “having no money”.
“*Video game piracy is not stealing” is closer to a statement I can get onboard with. A trivial example to disprove the former statement is the classic, seafaring pirate.
But a more salient example would be pirating music. If you have a pirated copy of an album such that you don’t need to buy another and don’t stream it from any official sources, you are materially and negatively impacting that artist.
Edit: it came to mind after I posted you might hold the position “I haven’t taken anything from them and I wouldn’t have bought it regardless of my pirating, so I haven’t deprived them of anything.” A position I’ve seen a number of times and fundamentally disagree with. Not trying to be rude but I’m not going to engage with that particular thought experiment.
You know, I can’t fault them for it. They gave it a try and decided the land wasn’t their bag.
I never saw “pre-emptive” as an absolving term. You just decided to strike first: it’s relatively free from any connotations of propriety in my mind.
…did you not read the post? They are planning to leave but they don’t want to get dumped before finding a new position.
No, I’m not missing that the unchecked usage of mass polluting luxury vehicles by the 1% is a not-insignificant contirbutor to global emissions.
But the statement wasn’t those fuckos should stop, it was “humanity shouldn’t have” those things. An unqualified, blanket(, likely hyperbolic) denial. Like saying ‘humanity shouldn’t have personal cars’ because EVs hadn’t taken off yet.
There’s no inherent polluting/ecological threat in either vehicle (in the far-flung hypothetical that they run on sustainable sources), i.e. you can conceive of a solar-jet or a fusion yacht. Why can’t people have nice, private things? Because my utopia conception of an equitable, 1%-less future doesn’t necessitate me crammed in 949 hyperplane with 1000 other people for efficiency.
No agrument there. I’m just saying that can’t be labeled as ‘bad game design’ like the examples the TO listed can. I believe a game isn’t required to aim for as many players as possible. An MMO only needs enough players to sell the illusion that there are other people with agency shaking up the world, and I believe you can achieve that with a couple thousand players. You can easily find tens of thousands of people that would play a melee only MMORPG, especially if it were full dive.
(This is, of course, handwaving the economics of funding an MMO)
I don’t think this, in particular, makes the game bad as long as the game is designed around the lack of support.
That is not always the case, from my experience
Cool Gary Stu fan-fiction, bro.
That’s not peer pressure, that’s cultural osmosis. If other species tried to force them to have nipples, then they would resist