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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • And rape, do not forget the russian basterds consider rape a normal thing to do in countries you occupy:

    “Understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometres through blood and fire and death has fun with a woman or takes some trifle”
    “We lecture our soldiers too much; let them have their initiative.” – Stalin

    Expect nothing but brutal barbarian filth from the russians, it is what they are used to and are told is OK to do. It is a despicable state filled with horrible people. Yes, this is generalizing but in this case it is warranted.

  • Very cool! This is the second time I see the heat-bed used in an ‘exotic’ way 😄

    But what piqued my interest is, what the heck are you doing with watch dials? I know from buying a couple of watches that the dial is always considered a work of art, precision and crispness. What I mean to say is, dials seem to be uber important. And seems very, very difficult to mimic by yourself at home.

    Are you trying to create watches and thus need to also create dials? Create new dials for existing watches? I’m super curious now 😀

  • Forget the technical BS of this moron, lets focus on the gofundme nonsense.
    So I pay into this gofundme thing and that makes me partial owner of that bridge, just like the others who participated. In what fantasy world do you live if you think that bridge will not be blocked for all others who did not participate? Will the people out of the kindness of their hearts allow others to cross that bridge?
    If you believe that this bridge will not cause people to throw hissyfits and consider it private then I have a bridge to sell you 😂

  • The top brass at Boeing probably won’t be getting a lot of leisure time until then

    Why do you say this? What gives you the idea that they will face some form of workload pressure because of this?
    The only people not getting leisure time will be the persons responsible fixing this. The consequences for the top brass will be Golden Parachuting to the next job, losing stock or face devaluation of said stock.

    If you honestly think top brass is actually fixing this or face some form of heavy workload then you’d be wrong.

    PS: This is not a manifesto on the inequalities of the current system 😊
    It’s based on 40+ years of working where I have never seen top brass taking any form of responsibility or workload. They ‘connect’, ‘network’ and god knows what. All fair play if hired for that but please, do not confuse top management and actual work on products or being involved in fixing products. Also, never seen them ‘empower’ or ‘facilitate’ so others can work more efficiently or something like that.

    Ok, small personal manifesto after all 😇

  • We don’t want the old-school projects where software was ready but not delivered until a bible of doco was typeset, printed and bound.

    I miss those days. That bible of documentation was usually the means to have the others, i.e. the customer or other teams using your software, be able to do their work in that software. And I feel that by delivering software without extensive documentation you are extending your agile way of working to the customer. When does agile stop and actually deliver every component meant to be delivered?

  • This comments speaks to me. From day one you could see the problems with agile and my gods, if you dared to push back you were ‘not cooperating with the team’ and other BS like that.

    I have yet to see an agile/scrum way of working that does not devolve in waterfall within 5 nano seconds. Funniest was the IT team that needed to support about 10 other teams (developers). Good luck in getting agile with that while diving into a tunnel where 10 teams start pulling your resources on the fly. The IT team was on the end (they tried like 5 times to enforce agile on us) absolved from using agile as the complete project would come to a stand still in a day if we followed the agile principle.

  • You really do not give 1 shit about children do you? You keep telling people that this is what you get if you start a war. Did the children start that war? No. Then why keep bombing them?

    Even if Hitler himself hides under a hospital or school, you do not bomb that place. It really is that simple. The fact that you are a-ok with bombing children speaks volumes about your character.

    Surprise me with insights on why you think it is ok to bomb children and please do not involve hamas, terrorists or some form of anti-antisemitism. Keep focused on bombs on the heads of 5 year old, babies and justify that without involving adults that these children have zero control over.

  • Well, there it is, proof of the absurdity of the hexbear instance users. Took only a couple of minutes.

    There is no context here, you are manufactoring one in your head, just like op did.

    And the cherry on the absurdity cake? Calling me ageist. Desperately trying to stick a hate label on me, absurd.
    Like I said, discussing with hexbear users is impossible and prone to land you in a world of temper tantrums.

  • So we go from some form of convoluted and manufactured narrative to you pulling in world history because…?

    And why are hexbear users always so aggressive and use arguments like a five year old would, i.e. grab any and anything to try and deflect?

    Calling yourself ‘tankies’ is my basis to call you childish btw.

    That instance hexbear is an absurd place and a poster child equivalence for trolls.

    Is there any chance you can discuss something without throwing temper tantrums?