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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 10th, 2024

  • Although from a consumer standpoint it’s true a well. Official reviewers are often bought (directly or not), pressured in other ways, operate on nonsense scales, and are infamously not actually that good at video games. Player reviews are a Little better, but you have to be adept at weeding out whinging from people who suck at games or just suck broadly.

    Streamers/YouTubers are the only real option, imo, as they actually show what they’re doing (no lying!) and have to build up an actual reputation of some kind to be noticed.

  • You really have issues, my guy. Your obsession with authority is something you should get help shedding.

    First and foremost, yes a layman should pick those jobs up. It’s not difficult to get the basics down and to safely work on things. Ffs sounds like you are terrified of even changing your own oil. i don’t expect people to swap out their own engines or build their own OS, but plenty of ‘advances’ knowledge can be learned in a week and be useful.

    Secondly; the reason it’s competitive is because the number of doctors is artificially lowered by government intervention, not most people failing out of school or some shit. It’s also common knowledge to anyone who has ever worked in or adjacent to the medical industry that plenty of people in it are complete morons; hell there is a worryingly high number of anti-vaxxers even! Which i didn’t appreciate you comparing me to, jackass.

    The lay person can have access to plenty of research materials, they just aren’t bundled in a major network, and many tools that you’d need to watch out for in self medication are cheaply available from smaller clinics.

  • Plenty of people in every profession are idiots, doctors included. They are no more special than mechanics or programmers.

    The ‘strict vetting process’ is only a method of keeping the supply of doctors low. Literally, that isn’t conspiracy. Edit: although that is a u.s. issue specifically.

    This in no way sounds like anti-vax rhetoric? Doing actual research and doing something that doesn’t affect others is literally the exact opposite of what those people stand for.

    The human body is just another machine. You can learn it as easily as you can learn how to fix whatever horrible sound you engine is making. The only advantage a doctor has over a layman is more direct access to resources (both knowledge, as in easy access to research, and tools, such as blood tests), but that doesn’t exclude a random from using those resources themselves.

  • As long as you know what you’re getting into i don’t see the big deal. Doctor aren’t some higher beings, hell a lot of them are idiots, you don’t need a fancy piece of paper to understand a science (let alone a niche as small as medicine as it’s applicable to you specifically). Just put the legwork in before hand and you can probably even do minor surgery on yourself just fine.

    Although this does not comment on the legality of substance that would be used for that, the law has no baring on right and wrong.