Those numbers only include instances that have telemetry enabled
Ublock origin + sponsor block on desktop, ReVanced on Android and SmartTube on Android TV, no ads.
Probably not the best for focus on privacy but you can avoid ads
Aren’t apps better compareable to something like flatpack and this is the reason why they are updateable during runtime?
Cinnamon or something idk I use qtile
I also never used version pinning in debian
I broke a hinge myself that way, learned it the hard way
Did you open it without the backplate on?
Anyways this is crappy anti consumer design by the manufacturer.
Did the same in school on a Z80
I just use the browser to get the games
Not if I don’t play the games then
I don’t fall for this, I switch back to Windows
You can look into Plasma Bigscreen
I also found this, It’s for a RaspberryPi but surely can be adapted:
You can look at the source of the snap and check what it does
I don’t have any experience with your exact question.
But I would look into xinit and try if you can start just mpv.
If this doesn’t work look for a slim WM and configer it that the applications are displayed in fullscreen and launch mpv after the WM.
Probably any of the tiling window managers should work: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Window_manager
So many forks for something that can be solved entirely with bash inbuilts
I guess all of the mentioned are for rich people?
They can not recieve firmware updates. They are always provided by the OEM