Laying off a lot of people does wonders for the end of year report…
Laying off a lot of people does wonders for the end of year report…
Inflation doesn’t come from demand, it comes from someone raising the price of something - a raw material or a finished product. The combined effect of all those pricing hikes is what we call “inflation”, and they are almost always done in the name of increasing profit, not to meet demand (whether elastic or not). A system that demands infinite growth cannot work in a finite world, that’s the problem at the root of capitalism.
“Actual inflation” is just some capitalist a bit further up the supply chain “turning the screws on everyone just because they can”. Inflation is the ultimate proof capitalism is an inherently flawed system.
Biggest problem with it is that it lies with the exact same confidence it tells the truth. Or, put another way, it’s confidently incorrect as often as it is confidently correct - and there’s no way to tell the difference unless you already know the answer.
Also why life on earth is dying off as well…
That’s the way. I’ve been programming for nigh on four decades, and it’s almost a daily occurrence with junior devs going to stack overflow or chatGPT to solve an issue instead of just searching the code where nine times out of ten the problem (or a very similar one) is already solved.