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  • 12 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022


  • I can see that, although TBH I almost never have to “admin” EndeavourOS. I just upgrade every once in a while.

    Most important to me is being able to find and install whatever software I want, and I have a string preference that it either be installed in my ~, or be managed by the package manager. I really dislike sideloading software globally. And Arch does this better than most. AUR is massive, and packages are trivial to write and install in the rare event something isn’t in AUR.

  • Base Arch can be fussy, but that’s because there’s a lot to set up, so many opportunities to forget things and only discover them later.

    I ran Artix on a laptop for about a year; that was a constant PITA, although I still value their goals.

    But EndeavourOS has been an entirely different matter. It’s a “just works” Arch derivative.

    I had so many fewer problems with Arch that I went through the effort to convert my 3 personal cloud servers from Debian to it. I went through a lot of work to replace thee default Mint on an ODroid to Arch, and it’s been so much better. I put Endeavor on the last two non-servers I installed. So, yes, I personally find out far more reliable and easier to work with than Ubuntu, Debian, or Mint.

    That said, I had dad install Mint on a new computer he bought because I had to do it over the phone and he never, ever, upgrades his packages, and almost never installs anything. If all I’m going to do is install it once and then never change anything, Mint is easier. But for a normal use case where I’m regularly updating and installing software, Arch is far easier and more reliable.

  • Or the Bavarians tell about Austrians.

    Lightbulb jokes are universal, only the target changes. The Bavarians have some long-form jokes (“Two Austrians go on vacation to the Sahara…”) that I’d never heard before going to Germany.

    In case anyone is wondering, the joke (actually) goes:

    Two Bavarians go on vacation to the Sahara and quickly find themselves bored. Being German, they decide to do something constructive, and decide to build a bridge from whatever scrap wood they can find. Two weeks pass in happy industry, but as they’re flying home, the first slaps his head and says, “We have to go back!” “Why,” asks the second. “Because we signed our names on it, and if anyone finds we built a bridge in the desert, we’ll never hear the end of it!” says the first.

    So they switch planes and head back. As they near the bridge, the first says: “Stay here, and I’ll go check the coast is clear,” and he heads off over the dunes. A while later, he returns, crestfallen. “We are undone,” he cries, “a couple of Austrians found our bridge already!” “What are they doing,” asks the second. The first answers:
    “Fishing off it.”

  • A studio should be able to afford a good LTO tape drive for at least one backup copy; LTO tapes last over 30 years and suffer less from random bitrot than spinning disks. Just pay someone to spend a month duplicating the entire archive every couple of decades. And every decade you can also consolidate a bunch of tapes since the capacity has kept increasing; 18TB tapes are now available: $/MB it’s always far cheaper to use tape.

    They could have done that with the drives, but today you’d have to go find an ATA IDE or old SCSI card (of you’re lucky) that’ll work on a modern motherboard.

    But I’d guess their problem is more not having a process for maintaining the archives than the technology. Duplicating and consolidating hard drives once a year would have been relatively cheap, and as long as they verified checksums and kept duplicates, HDs would have been fine too.

  • It sucks the same way Python sucks. Some people just really don’t like indentation-based syntax. I’m one of them, so I dislike both formats. However, if you groove on that sort of thing, I don’t think YAML is any worse than any other markup.

    Oddly, I get along with Haskell, which also used indentation for scoping/delimiting; I can’t explain that, except that, somehow, indentation-based syntax seems to fit better with functional languages. But I have no clear argument about why; it’s just an oddity in my aesthetics.

  • Your logic makes sense. To OP’s point, though, you wear an engagement ring to show that you are engaged; a wedding ring to display you are married/wed. The argument for it being called when you receive it is weakened by the fact that most people remove their rings when an engagement is broken, or they get divorced. Or, they move the ring to a different finger, at which point it’s no longer an engagement or wedding ring, right? It’s just a ring.

    If the rings were named after the event of reception, they’d still be called wedding and engagement rings even after a broken relationship. They’re “was” rings; ex-wedding-rings. No longer engagement rings.

    So the more I think about it, the more I’m with OP - the rings represent a state, and so wedding rings should be called “marriage” rings to represent the state of being engaged/married, rather than the singular event of the giving.

  • Oh, no. I hate Pumpkin Spice. Pumpkin Pie at Thanksgiving is my bane. It’s probably why I hate Pumpkin Spice. I could live with the stink it for a couple of days, but after StarFucks came out with Pumpkin Spice, it started getting everywhere starting October and running through Christmas.

    And it really does smell more strongly than other things. It’s invasive.

    How about you having to work next to someone who slathers himself in surstromming every morning for three months, and then come tell me how OK it is for people to invade your space with “a little smell.”

  • TIL people love their Pumpkin Spice.

    It doesn’t smell “a bit.” It pervades a space. You can’t smell someone’s coffee, or their caramel macchiato, or their OJ, unless you stick your face in their cup. But if someone comes into an office with a pumpkin spice, you know it because it stinks up there entire room.

    It wouldn’t be so bad, by itself. What makes it aggregious is that stores start pumping out the pumpkin spice scent around October; it’s everywhere. It’s inescapable. It’s like a crowded Austrian bar in the 1980’s, where there’s a literal cloud ceiling of cigarette snake at a meter high and an impenetrable haze that limits visibility to 2 meters. Candles. Infusers and incense.

    “Smell a bit.” That’s like calling a nuclear holocaust “a little fire.”