The government do appear to have a hand in picking board members and executives though, and it’s regulated by the govt-appointed body Ofcom.
(And yes, I’m aware of the irony of posting a BBC news link)
The government do appear to have a hand in picking board members and executives though, and it’s regulated by the govt-appointed body Ofcom.
(And yes, I’m aware of the irony of posting a BBC news link)
Brown coal output 12.2021: 10100 GWh Black coal output 12.2021: 5391 GWh
Of course comparing August 2021 - August 2023 there’s less of a difference, but still a noticeable drop.
Lua crew represent
Godot is MUCH more lightweight than Unreal.
Unreal’s editor needs a beast of a dev PC, it’s basically like running a AAA game all the time, and it assumes by default that you’re making a top-end game with a top-spec PC.
Godot’s editor will run on pretty much anything. That’s not to say an external GPU won’t help, but if you keep the graphics simple you may not even need it.
I don’t see anyone outside so it checks out.
Its reputation for impartiality is also working as expected.