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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I think you’re misguided about the APIs. Gmail supports IMAP and SMTP. Proton supports those too if you run an encryption bridge on your computer. Fastmail supports IMAP/JMAP/SMTP (they invented JMAP to try and innovate).

    Email providers most likely must provide SMTP and IMAP due to compatibility requirements with Apple Mail and other clients.

  • Email is ridiculously complex—the technology is dead simple, but the number of exceptions and (undocumented) rules you need to abide by or risk getting banned by half the internet without being told is nothing to sneeze at.

    I should know: I have built multiple support platforms that worked through email (amongst other channels).

    You mention wanting to start at the SMTP level, and then building a Qt interface. So you’re going to write an SMTP client, an IMAP/POP3/JMAP client, a storage engine, a user interface, and a better search system, all on your own? You’re describing a gargantuan task.

    No offense, but each one of those could be a project on its own. You probably think they’re all simple tasks (they’re not), and that you can follow a few RFCs to get things going (you can’t), and that it’ll be easy to debug (it won’t). Finally, I think you’re underestimating how large people’s email maps get.

    Why not write a plugin for Thunderbird that improves the search?

  • The irony that u/spez and others keep using landed gentry in the wrong way is hilarious.

    Landed gentry bought their “title” (it’s not really a title, more a socio-political category). The first scenario you described, with someone buying the position of moderator… that’s 100% landed gentry. Commoners with wealth would buy a big house and property and then be considered landed gentry. It’s not something that was given to them like peerage (aka nobility).

    The reality is that content producers and moderators are closer to cotters–somewhere in between serfs and husbandmen. They don’t own the land (e.g.: subs), but they work it. The only difference is that serfs and husbandmen could derive a profit from their labour, whereas most mods and content producers don’t (as far as I’m aware).

    If we keep going with the middle-age titles, u/spez is much closer to a “lord of the manor” than he would care to realise. He owns the land, can choose who works it and who is able to make a profit and how much. He can withdraw that permission at any time, and he amasses vast amounts of wealth based on the work of the people who, effectively, work for him for free.