There’s many things in which we shouldn’t take scientists at their word indeed, but in their own field there’s a good chance they have something useful to say
There’s many things in which we shouldn’t take scientists at their word indeed, but in their own field there’s a good chance they have something useful to say
Whatever particle physicists are, idiots they’re not
No? Hmmm Norwegian (Bokmål) then?
Come on where is your sense of adventure!? Go for Hungarian, you might learn something.
How come I’ve never used twatwaffle before?
Monetary cost is the wrong y-axis here, as it optimkzes only for mega-scale farming without taking its real costs in consideration. It should be ‘true cost’, which also accounts for environmental-, animal- and climate mitigation cost.
“Dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen”
Can’t you see how shareholders are suffering here? Have a heart!
Ah yes, typical move for “the only democracy in the Middle East”
A WW1 soldier out in the open? Must have been really early 1914 or late 1918. Judging by the helmet and uniform, probably the latter. Or it’s just propaganda material.
This was before (serious) tanks
Send it back. Can’t possibly be fresh. Not unless you took it down yourself with your bare hands
That problem is easily solved. Don’t eat polar bear
Surely Slartibartfast doesn’t approve
English winemakers (yes, they exist…) who will now sell a pint of wine at the cost of a 0,75l bottle
To those downvoting this, you’ve learned nothing from recent history. China has been a “legal” nuclear power forever, and it has the right to do as it pleases. Just like the US does.
Unsubstantiated, tendentious, insinuating talk about ‘secretive’ nuclear things echoes Powells lies to the UN about Iraq. It’s again the US again manufacturing consent to whip up more anti-China sentiment, only to further its own goals.
What’s the plan with the raptor? Increase the kid’s running speed? Anxiety? Fear of birds? Love for Spielberg movies?