You’re never lonely with all your Demodex friends.
They are more comfortable than they look. The lack of a second analogue stick is a big limitation though.
There was a prototype VMU MP3 player in the works before the Dreamcast was discontinued, alongside a music store.
Sega also produced a digital camera for the Dreamcast, the DreamEye.
The tech world could have looked very different if the Dreamcast went differently for Sega.
I haven’t done any channel optimisation so far, I probably should do. I have the P version of the Sonoff Zigbee dongle, I haven’t tried the E version.
I’ve also been careful with picking router devices. I’ve tried to avoid router devices that have poor reported compatibility with Aqara. There is a page/thread somewhere online where people were compiling lists of devices that do or don’t play nice with Aqara. IKEA devices apparently work very well with Aqara, I’ve been using their smart plugs wherever I can.
My Zigbee network also improved a lot when I set up some IKEA plugs in the loft. My house also has thick walls, but it seems Zigbee signal can propagate more easily through ceilings/floors.
Using quality brand batteries also seems to help a bit, at least from a battery life point of view.
I’m happy to see untracked energy devices covered in the energy graphs. I’d been using a Grafana dashboard to display more detailed energy visualisations including consumption of untracked devices before.
Still a win for Home Assistant to have a big brand like Aqara want to play ball at all.
if they are supporting the current Matter/Thread devices hopefully they will do the same for future devices, especially (if and) when they start to deprecate their Zigbee devices.
Aqara devices can be finicky with non-Aqara devices, especially router devices.
I’ve personally also had much better results with Aqara devices since switching to Zigbee2MQTT and a Sonoff Zigbee stick, I had a lot more dropouts with ZHA and a Conbee II stick.
I have an X220 with an i5-2520M, I don’t use it for gaming but I have briefly played Half-Life 2 with it and it was comfortably playable.
So I would say mid-2000s titles and before will be fine. It really depends on the age the Thinkpad you want is, and the age of the games you want to play.
Depends on your computing platform.
I see another reply has already covered Linux.
On a Mac, press and hold a character key and a list of accent characters will appear. There are also dead key combinations using the option key to enter special characters directly.
Have you got any air quality sensors? Particulates, CO2, VOCs, CO, Radon, there’s a while bunch of sensors, and a variety of DIY projects to put them together.
It also has the practical benefit of maybe improving your health.
Seems a pointless endeavour. The open and enterprise sides are so deeply linked, it makes sense that they share a brand.
Separating them only weakens the broader SUSE ecosystem.
Except in England, where it is still largely grey and miserable. We are still patiently waiting for summer.
I like containers. But they do have a habit of nurturing cludgy temporary hacks into permanent infrastructure, by sweeping all the ugly bits under the big whale-shaped rug.
I’ve ordered various things from AliExpress before, I’ve never had any major issues. One item was DOA, and another never arrived, but In both cases I got refunded quickly and easily.
It seems no worse than any other online marketplace now.
I assume these 3DS units are some sort of refurb. Are they Chinese region units?
I’d say it’s more that parents (companies) should be more responsible about what they tell their kids (customers).
Because right now the companies have a new toy (AI) that they keep telling their customers can make thunder from clapping. But in reality the claps sometimes make thunder but are also likely to make farts. Occasionally some incredibly noxious ones too.
The toy might one day make earth-rumbling thunder reliably, but right now it can’t get close and saying otherwise is what’s irresponsible.
Generally you want to the reference material used to improve that first version to be correct though. Otherwise it’s just swapping one problem for another.
I wouldn’t use a textbook that was 52% incorrect, the same should apply to a chatbot.
Seems a hard sell to go subscription on such a niche platform. I wish anyone luck that could challenge the Apple/Android duopoly though.
As an aside, can we get back into desktop cubes again? With all the upheaval in Windows land it’s the sort of eye candy that can win over new Linux users.
Any distro should be fairly stable and supported on an older Thinkpad.
I’m currently using Debian stable on my X220 and it’s rock solid.
Resplendent and fungiform definitely are, and I hope slugabed is because it’s describing my mood this Sunday morning rather aptly.