At least it’s better than
Emacs users be like
unrepentant nano gang rise up
Sorry for living under a rock, but what is vim?
🪢 :q!
Progress lost
Sorry bub, but you just wasted your time
VIM only has two modes:
Constantly beeping
Destroying everything.
hides in Kate and a Codium-based IDE
well, I am using vim, but I don’t know how to use vim.
Am I vimming?
If you dont know how to exit vim, then yes you are…
Escape enters command mode
: prompts the command
W = write
Q = quit
! forces it
deleted by creator
I remember that experience first time and how I had to kill the process from another shell :)
This was before the internet so couldn’t exactly google it either.
Fun times. But I figured it out by reading the man page.
Yes, you vom.
They vom it.
i do all my vimming in visual studio code
I kakoune instead.
fellow noun->verb user :)
helix superiority however.
Pitch me. I could switch, but it would help a great deal to understand more about why. I’m open to change, but not eager to change.
Rust 🦀🦀🦀
purple 🟣
How do you like it? I tried it a few years ago, but my vim muscular memory made it feel as uncomfortable as learning vim for the first time.
I’m very happy. I had the same early experience as you, but I kept with it. I’ve been using it several years now. When I’m forced back to vim, my fingers remember just enough, but I have to undo pretty often.
Vi or die!
The first time I used VI I typed a few characters, then hit backspace to delete some characters. Backspace doesn’t delete characters. I closed VI and never opened it again.
And you weren’t curious about how it worked? Not at all?
A million better alternatives exist. I was curious about them.
Yeah yeah, brag about being able to close VI the first time of use…
You need to type
first to enter insert mode.Now I can’t exit HELPPP
But how did you close it?
Tried neovim a couple of times. Stopped after 10 or 15 mins. Anyone has useful tips to get used to vim/neovim?
I became a fan after I got used to nice color schemes, buffers/tabs, horizontal/vertical splitting, file browsing with NERDTree and highlighting changes with GITGutter.
You ask for tips? Add VIM commands you use regularly (like paste mode toggle for example) to a keyboard shortcut (like leader key + p) in your .vimrc settings file. It increases working speed.
Also add some plugins, they are fun and add useful functions from other editors like Sublime (ctrl-p, vim-multiple-cursors).There are plenty of cheat sheets online. The main thing is understanding that there are different modes, knowing what they do, and how to switch between them and issue commands.
Pro Tip: to learn to do something, practice doing it
Go through the tutorial. It is quite good and teaches things incrementally with real world examples. Just run vimtutor to start.
But why learn all that? Nano user here.
Just get used to
- using movement (hjkl),
- going between insert and normal modes (i and esc),
- undoing (u from normal mode),
- and saving (:w and :wq).
Don’t try to do it all at first, just get comfortable with the essentials. You can even just stay in insert mode (the only mode in most editors) at first.
Keep a vim basics cheat sheet handy for a couple weeks as you’re building in muscle memory, then slowly work in more advanced techniques and combinations.
It doesn’t take long before you start having a lot of fun just manipulating text.
PS here’s a decently basic cheat sheet I found:
I always forget about :wq, mainly because escing out of interactive mode and hitting ZZ is so much quicker.
I’m always vimming!
Not because I want to though. It’s because I don’t know how to stop…
That’s, like, halfway down the list of things to try!
Can’t stop won’t stop
We’re you referencing this by chance?