Why do we accept that urban life is worse than rural life?
Cars ruin cities. There’s more we can do to make cities better but that’s the big one
I mean, do you think cars aren’t a thing in rural areas or something? You think us country bumpkins are riding our horses around?
No, but it’s much, much easier to get rid of them in cities where they can be replaced by subways, tramways, buses, bikes, and the like.
What if you want to leave the city?
Mr green text has no idea what he’s talking about.
I grew up on a farm you’re telling me that was an idyllic life?
Farmwork is stupidly long days in awful weather, it’s either hot, or freezing cold, or raining, or snowing. The pay is effectively abysmal and makes you wish you worked in Starbucks on minimum wage because that would be an improvement. You have all this necessary equipment you’ve had to “buy”, which despite costing more than most houses is about as reliable as a Soviet era tank.
And that’s just growing props if you’re mad enough to also raise cattle then it’s even worse because you’ve got all them to deal with and sheep in particular are more suicidal than a depressed lemming.
But hey, you get a nice view.
There’s a reason the kids aren’t taking over the farm. Not to mention that a 50 acre returned soldier lot can’t provide for a family of six anymore.
Well it isn’t subsistence farming by any stretch of the imagination it’s full on industrial farming.
Most farms these days, at least crop farms, grow only two or three different crops. Mostly dictated by what will fetch the best price and what is currently being subsidised by the government. Often times you will find that farms are not growing any food stuffs at all.
I grew up next to a farm. They stopped growing produce because the government regulations got to be crazy. They just grow soy beans and hay now.
Can they not poison the water supply anymore or were there too many strings attached to get their subsidies?
You know nothing about them.