The word lox was one of the clues that eventually led linguists to discover who the Proto-Indo-Europeans were, and where they lived.Photograph by Helen Cook / Flickr One of my favorite words is lox,” says Gregory Guy, a professor of linguistics at New York University. There is hardly a more quintessential New York food than […]
The German word for salmon is “Lachs” but it’s pronounced “Lax”. I wonder who had the word first
A couple thousand years ago German and English hadn’t even split off from each other — they were the same language.
Yeah, English is a Germanic language. The same way Spanish and French are romantic, and derived from Romans.
Yeah, it was called Gerlish. At least in Gerlish it was.
The Italian word for earth is la terra, while in Spanish it’s la tierra.
Does it make any sense to say that one language had it first? Both are directly from Latin terra.
English, German, Dutch, Swedish, etc. all descend from a common ancestor, Proto- Germanic. There’s a lot of vocabulary they all inherited from it.