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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • As an American, this line short circuited my brain:

    Police there still carry guns on the regular

    I live in a quiet but growing suburban town that’s closer to rural areas than the nearest city. When I walk my kid to elementary school (how European of us, lol) the police officer working as a crossing guard for the kids still has their gun, taser, bulletproof vest, and all their other gear on.

    And it’s not a school-specific thing. You just never see cops without their weapons here. Armed and armored is just part of the uniform, essentially.

  • That’s the proprietary app container system pushed by Canonical who maintains Ubuntu. That’s as opposed to something more widely accepted like flatpak. I’m not an expert on everything Canonical has done to piss of the FOSS community, but I think snaps are the biggest one.

    And in regular old Linux Mint Cinnamon you don’t have to deal with that, and you can still lean on Ubuntu’s apt repositories.

  • My first was Sun Solaris Unix, but now I’m a middle aged engineer who wants to fix company product issues rather than personal workstation issues, and Mint rocks my socks.

    The mundanity of my computer working seamlessly every day is right up there with the mundanity of my car starting every morning, as far as how much it bothers me, lol.

    But there’s nothing wrong with messing with your car’s engine or your computer’s OS, obviously. Some people are just in a place where they want to do that and some aren’t.

  • The place where I’ve worked for the last year and a half has been kind of rebuilding the whole product development team (including supporting cast like product and project managers) and using agile, etc.

    So while we have some meetings, like daily stand-ups and the sprint planning & retrospective, for the most part they actively try to keep us engineers out of them. We get to work on the stuff that we’re supposed to work on, and all these other players work together to figure out what we should work on next without needing us there.

    It’s a god dammed revelation! The engineers get to work on bugs and features rather than like at my last place where it was a mix of project management, financial justifications, inter-department meetings, scheduling, chasing people for stuff we need, and putting out fires on the production floor. Oh and then engineering shit every now and then.

    Different types of roles, but still.

  • I get to dual boot at work (I run mint btw) and the only reason I ever boot into windows every week or three is to make sure it doesn’t get so out of date that it gets booted from the network.

    I guess it’s time to stop that shit! Having windows available is not worth the risk of messing up my work machine. Hell I’m tempted to nuke that windows partition and double the size of my /home partition!

    Though I will give Microsoft credit that m365 stuff, including video calls in Teams, work great using the web versions in Firefox. That’s even with the security and privacy stuff cranked up. I only white listed those sites for cookies and local storage for convenience.